Book of Memories for Carol Troxell Book of Memories for Carol Troxell Recent updates for the Book of Memories Frontrunner Professional Book of Memories V4 en-gb Story shared: She Bless the lives she touched. TY I me Carol 1980s cant remember year sorry been that long, Forgive my grammer I have a sever form of dyslexia... I struggle bad. this is how we met. I am Carol Twigg she is Carol Troxell We was at the Pharmacy and they said Carol T. and it was same package. we both looked in bag and went yep my stuff, took a few steps and went oops and we returned it. We had to fill out a paper, all return meds has to be distroyed. I only started to learn to write. I guess I looked a horrible pail and she was worried on me, made me sit down. she helped me fill out the papers, told me dont worry, keep praticing. I gave up trying to learn. years ago. But her kind words really touched me. said i was doing great. she took me to the kids books area and said these will help me, they was kids work books, said no one will know who your buying it for. they think for your kids. picked out freat ones for me then purchased them. This is how I learn how to spell went form 2nd grade to 6th grade in a year, grammar is is on going for me. This help me get a job, met my husband of 36.9 years and my child we adopted, i had to write my history and .... all this would not have happen with out her and i want her family and freinds to know Thank your Carol Troxell you blessed me more then you can ever know with your kindness. Im sorry we lost touch. You truly made the difrence in my life and family's life. I became a School Lunch. Yard and Class Monitor, also substitute teaccher Pk to 3rd grade. I could not have done this with out your advice and push. I miss your calls not sure why the stopped both our lives got busy. Rest in peace and i know your watching me hope your proud on me. Thank you for being so kind to me when I realy needed it. You are my Angel. Thank you Carol Amber Twigg.


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